FLEX is committed to protect the customers’ personal information and will take necessary and relevant measures to safeguard the customers’ personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which FLEX collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from the customers. This policy only applies to personal information of individuals that are processed for commercial transactions. This policy does not create a contract between FLEX and our customers and does not create any legal rights nor liabilities on or against FLEX.

Collection of Personal Information

FLEX does not collect any personal information or personally identifiable information when the customers visit mobile application (“App”) unless the customers opt to provide that information to FLEX or continue to proceed after being informed or notified by FLEX that certain customers’ information will be collected.

FLEX may collect information that personally identifies the customer when the customers choose use FLEX’s services. The processing and utilisation of the customers’ personal information will be done in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Notice herein and all applicable laws.

Disclosing customers’ Personal Information

FLEX may disclose the customers’ personal information to the following parties (including those located overseas) for the purposes stated above:

1. agents and service providers who provide services relating to the purposes of which the personal information is collected including data processing services;

2. any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and who has undertaken the responsibility to keep such information confidential;and

3. FLEX related and associate companies and affiliates.

FLEX will not disclose the customers’ personal information to unaffiliated third parties without the customers’ consents unless such personal information is required by law or in good faith and such action is necessary to comply with any law enforcement agency requirements, court orders or legal processes.

In addition, FLEX does not sell, trade, or rent customers’ personal information to others.

Accessing and Updating customers’ Personal Information.

If the User would like to access, update or correct the provided personal information, the User is able to access or correct personal information via our APPs.

Changes to this Policy

FLEX reserves the right to amend or update this privacy policy at any time to reflect changes in the law, our business practices, processes or structure. Upon the update or amendment, FLEX will post a notification in the App and revise the updated date accordingly. The customer acknowledges and agrees that it is the customer’s responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

How to request delete a user data

  1. Please send the form below to
    The form

    Subject: request delete user data


    email: [registered email]

  2. The operator will send you an email after processing.